Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Bookmark Freebie

She also has a great desktop calendar too. Check it out too!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Calm Before the Storm

This holiday season is shaping up to be a busy one as always. I love this time of year and want to savor every moment. However, I'm trying to enjoy these last few days of laziness and do nothingness but stick around the house because those days end on Thursday. Thursday we are going to 2 Thanksgiving meals in two different states. Friday, I'm hitting up the Black Friday sales for the first time with one of my friends at 4am. Then I have to come home and do the whole Thanksgiving meal here at our house for my family. Let the craziness BEGIN!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
One Bowl Banana Muffins

"I see you oh yummy banana muffin."

"You look so perfectly golden on the outside."

That is how much I want to savor you!"
"Okay...the no hands things was taking too long and you are
sooooo yummy! I will use my hands!"
My daughter loves bananas so we always have them in the house. Sometimes they start to turn a little too brown for my liking so that's where this super easy recipe comes into play.
Banana Muffins
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup veggie oil
2 mashed bananas
1/2 cup chopped nuts or chocolate chips (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder in a good sized bowl. Stir in egg, milk, oil, bananas, and nuts or chocolate chips (if you're using them). Mix until just moist. Scoop into greased muffin tin or you can also use muffin liners. Bake about 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
These freeze great after they are baked. Then you can just thaw them out on the counter. You can also make a loaf out of this as well. Bake the loaf for about an hour. I haven't been adding nuts or chocolate because they are usually for Ava. Definitely a crowd pleaser with the little people in my life.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Crazy Good Ideas

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Bunny Cart

Monday, November 16, 2009
Holiday Paper Love

I am a sucker for all things lovely and paper. I have so many sets of cards and stationary just waiting to be used. These are a few of my faves at the moment. I especially love the idea of printable gift tags. You can print as many as you want and use them year after year too. So clever and economical!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Technology Queen

See that second picture and the poor pitiful face. When she gets caught and she knows it, she quickly hands off whatever the "no-no" is and looks all sad and innocent. That face is not going to work on me...very often :o)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
RIP Morning Nap

Now morning nap time is filled with Ava taking out and putting away EVERYTHING she can get her hands on. I guess the good news is she does put things away but it is still a mess because it's a 15 month old putting her clothes back in the drawer or the diapers back in the basket. Today, after her room was sufficiently a wreck, she proceeded to bring me book after book to read to her. She does love her books. Her way of loving books is getting out every book she owns and surrounding herself in them. Then she will carefully pick out the one she wants me to read and brings it to me. She hasn't caught on to putting books away yet but we are working on it.
She's a great baby and I love spending all my time with her but naps are great too! All I can say is that I run around like a mad woman during her afternoon nap trying to get everything done. Those afternoon naps need to stick around for a while!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy 40th Sesame Street
You just gotta love all those furry monsters and animals on Sesame Street. I'm so glad that they are still around for my daughter to laugh and learn from. She's in love with all the characters and her little eyes light up when she hears the music from the show. Her favorite books at home are Sesame Street too. I definitely see a Sesame Street themed party in our future. Happy Birthday Sesame Street, and I hope our furry friends are around for another 40 years!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lady on the Go

I must admit that Ava is so unafraid that it scares me. She was off and going from the second we got to the park both days. She says hi to everyone and just runs from place to place seeing all that she can see. I hate that she is growing up so fast. I also find it interesting how different she is from me. I am shy and not outgoing. I have gotten better the older I've gotten but I'm still not the person I want to be. I'm hoping that Ava will stick with her outgoingness because I wish a could come out of my shell more. It's funny to say that I'm learning from my 15 month old daughter!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
If Only They Knew They Were Friends

On a side note, we're looking for somewhere in the St. Louis area to take the kiddos for a play date. Someplace other than the Magic House, Zoo, Science Center, etc. Do you know of any different or unusual places in the area? I'd love to hear about them!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Adorable Hair Adornments
I have been having a very blech few days. I can't put my finger on what it is but I'm just not myself. In order to cheer myself up, I went "window" shopping on the Internet. That is after I cleaned out our pantry which desperately needed it. Didn't buy a thing, just swooned over a few items that I would love to own. I noticed I was drawn towards hair accessories. I have been trying to grow out my hair since Miss A was born last August and 14 months later I still don't have the long flowing hair I was hoping for. It is long enough for a pony tail though, and I am so tempted to by some of these cute little flowers and headbands for myself. Part of me can totally see myself wearing these and then the other part says, "Who are you kidding?!" I am thoroughly thinking over the first tiny buds and could probably wear them without looking like I'm trying too hard. Can't though...saving up for some Christmas presents for the fam, and they need to come first! Still these are just cute, cute, and cute!!

Mini rosebud pins from Heart of Light

Golden Swirly Headband from Jennifer Birge

Vintage Peacock Hair Plume from Neva Plume
Monday, November 2, 2009
Coming Down from the Weekend

We had a very busy weekend, busy but good. Friday we went to Trunk or Treat at my parent's church which was a lot of fun. There was a campfire to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, trunks decorated handing out candy, caramel apples, a mad scientists lab, a bounce house, pumpkin carving and lots of other fun to be had. Saturday we had a family birthday party and then trick or treating in the neighborhood. Ava did really well and walked to about 10 houses with Steve while I held down the fort at home. That's a lot of walking for a little flower! Then Sunday was 8:30 church (due to the time change and us being up so early) and then a friend's daughters 2nd birthday. Busy, busy, busy! Today I'm just getting the house in order and Ava back on her regular schedule.
Fall is always such a busy time for us. It seems like we go non-stop from October to December. I like being busy though. I tend to get a lot more done when my plate is full. Our plates are definitely full every weekend until the end of the year. I'm not going to know what to do with myself when January hits and we're not busy. I have so much that I want to do with the house, myself, relationships with friends and family, Ava, etc. I want to start a business but that's a topic for another day. I've been putting off organizing the closets in the house, and they desperately need it. That's one of those things that makes it on my to do list every week and some how *mysteriously* never gets done...same with cleaning the shower. Today is a day I'm not swamped and therefore should do those 2 things. I'll let you know how it goes ;o)
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