I'm a little behind on reviewing this one by about a week. Let me start by saying that I am the type of person that finishes what I start. I have finished some books that I really did not enjoy in the past. For me something just feels wrong about not finishing the book. This book is the first book I have EVER not finished. It wasn't a horrible book. It wasn't an uninteresting book. The main theme throughout the book is immortality. Sounds like it might be a good one. Especially for a book club to discuss. Well, for me it fell flat. Throughout the book the lives of several people are told. One is of a king who was born thousands of years ago and was still living in the 1960s when I stopped reading the book. There is a common thread of perfume throughout the story as well. I think this book would have been perfect for me to read when I was getting my undergrad in English. To sit and ponder what the symbolism of different aspects of the story meant with a handful of my peers would have been fun. Reading it now as a mom with plenty of other things on my mind was just not fun. I knew as I was reading it that I wasn't giving it the time I should to really think about what the story was saying. The reviews of this book on Amazon are great. Let's just say my review is less than stellar. Then again, I didn't finish it so take that with a grain of salt.
I did however read The Hunger Games in 2 days. I was bummed after not finishing Jitterbug Perfume and this had been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to pick it up. I loved it. It had great characters, kept my interest and had me turning pages late into the night. I ordered the next one and can't wait to read it! It made me look forward reading our next book club book which is Little Bee.
I'm always looking for something new to read or suggest to my book club. What have you read lately??
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