We had a very busy weekend, busy but good. Friday we went to Trunk or Treat at my parent's church which was a lot of fun. There was a campfire to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, trunks decorated handing out candy, caramel apples, a mad scientists lab, a bounce house, pumpkin carving and lots of other fun to be had. Saturday we had a family birthday party and then trick or treating in the neighborhood. Ava did really well and walked to about 10 houses with Steve while I held down the fort at home. That's a lot of walking for a little flower! Then Sunday was 8:30 church (due to the time change and us being up so early) and then a friend's daughters 2nd birthday. Busy, busy, busy! Today I'm just getting the house in order and Ava back on her regular schedule.
Fall is always such a busy time for us. It seems like we go non-stop from October to December. I like being busy though. I tend to get a lot more done when my plate is full. Our plates are definitely full every weekend until the end of the year. I'm not going to know what to do with myself when January hits and we're not busy. I have so much that I want to do with the house, myself, relationships with friends and family, Ava, etc. I want to start a business but that's a topic for another day. I've been putting off organizing the closets in the house, and they desperately need it. That's one of those things that makes it on my to do list every week and some how *mysteriously* never gets done...same with cleaning the shower. Today is a day I'm not swamped and therefore should do those 2 things. I'll let you know how it goes ;o)
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